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Benefits & More
  • Low Glycemic Index – Helps to regulate blood sugar levels
  • Fibre Rich Millet Flour – Healthy digestion & Weight management
  • May help reduce heart-related problems
  • Natural Detoxifier – Helps remove toxins from the body
  • Contains Calcium – Good for Bones & Muscles
  • Rich Source of Iron, Potassium & Zinc
Healthy browntop millet flour
Browntop millet flour brekfast
Browntop millet flour desserts
Browntop millet flour by organic gyaan

Like other millets, brown top millet also known as kangni millet is a superfood that is essential for healthy nutrition and well-being. Organic Gyaan’s browntop millet flour can provide you with a steady supply of soluble fibre, healthy fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Additionally, they contain large amounts of iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, copper, and zinc. We deliver gluten free atta which is rich in nutrients and hygienically packed.

Brown Top Millet Flour Benefits for Health

  • Browntop Millet flour or hari kangni atta has a low glycaemic index (GI) which means it slows down the absorption of sugar in the blood of the human body instead of rushing quickly as in the case of rice. So, it is great to eat browntop millet flour to control blood sugar levels in the body.
  • Browntop millet flour has high fibre content thus making you feel fuller for a longer period of time thus it is considered to be the best flour for weight loss or healthy weight management.
  • Consuming brown top millet flour also has a good benefit for heart health.
  • Browntop Millet flour contains a lot of fibre which helps to prevent constipation and reduce the risk of developing bowel disorders and thus helping in good digestion.
  • It helps in the binding of toxins as a detoxifying agent and keeps the body healthy.

Brown Top Millet Flour Uses

  • You can use it to make idli and dosa.
  • Can be used to make rotis and parathas
  • Also, can be used to make papads and khakhra
  • Make sweet dishes like halwa, laddus, sweet adai, etc.

Browntop Millet is also known by other names such as:

  • Browntop Millet in Hindi is Choti Kangni
  • Browntop Millet in Tamil is Palapul
  • Browntop Millet in Telugu is Andakorra
  • Browntop Millet in Kannada is Korale
  • Browntop Millet in Bengali is Hari Kangni
How we make Activated Flour 

Certainly, the process you're describing involves soaking the millets, sun-drying them, and then stone-grinding them to create activated flour. This method is commonly used in traditional food preparation and has its own set of benefits.

Here's a more detailed step-by-step guide based on the process you've mentioned:

Ingredients and Equipment:

  1. Millets (any variety you prefer)
  2.  Water for soaking
  3. Stone grinder or any suitable grinding equipment


  1. Soaking:
  • Measure the desired amount of millets and rinse them thoroughly under running water.
  • Place the millets in a bowl and cover them with enough water. Allow them to soak for 6 to 8 hours. This soaking process helps soften the millet and makes them easier to grind.
  1. Sun Drying:
  • After soaking, drain the water from the millet.
  • Spread the soaked millets evenly on a clean cloth or tray to allow them to sun-dry. Ensure they are exposed to sunlight for several hours until they are completely dried. The drying process may take a day or more, depending on the sunlight available.
  1. Stone Grinding:

Once the millets are thoroughly dried, use a stone grinder or any suitable grinding equipment to grind them into flour. The stone grinding method is often preferred for its ability to retain the nutritional integrity of the grains.

  1. Sieve if Necessary:

After grinding, you may choose to sieve the flour to achieve a finer texture, removing any larger particles.

Activated millet flour obtained through this process is likely to have a distinct flavor and nutritional profile due to the traditional methods used. It can be used in a variety of recipes, such as bread, pancakes, or other baked goods. Always follow food safety guidelines and use the activated millet flour as specified in your recipes.


What is brown top millet flour?
Brown top millet flour is a type of flour made from the ground seeds of the brown top millet plant. It is a gluten-free and nutritious alternative to wheat flour.

What are the benefits of using brown top millet flour?
Brown top millet flour is high in fiber, protein, and essential nutrients like iron and magnesium. It is also gluten-free, which makes it a great option for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.

How do I use brown top millet flour in cooking and baking?
Brown top millet flour can be used in a variety of recipes, including bread, muffins, pancakes, and more. It has a slightly nutty flavor that can enhance the taste of your baked goods.

Can I use brown top millet flour as a 1:1 substitute for wheat flour?
Brown top millet flour can be used as a substitute for wheat flour in some recipes, but it may require some adjustments to the recipe to achieve the desired texture and flavor.

Benefits of using brown top millet flour?

  • Gluten-free: Brown top millet flour is a gluten-free flour, which makes it an excellent alternative for people who are allergic to gluten or have celiac disease.

  • High in fiber: Brown top millet flour is high in fiber, which helps promote digestion, prevent constipation, and keep you feeling full for longer periods.

  • Rich in nutrients: Brown top millet flour is a good source of essential nutrients such as iron, magnesium, and phosphorus, which are important for maintaining bone health, energy production, and proper bodily functions.

  • Low glycemic index: Brown top millet flour has a low glycemic index, which means it doesn't cause a spike in blood sugar levels after consumption. This makes it a good choice for people with diabetes or those looking to manage their blood sugar levels.

  • Versatile: Brown top millet flour can be used in a variety of recipes, including bread, pancakes, muffins, and more. It has a slightly nutty flavor that can add depth and richness to your baked goods.

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